Friday, July 30, 2010

Sufi Music

Last night went to a sufi dance in Istanbul. As Rumi would say, "Be a lover, a lover. Chose love that you might be the chosen one." Rumi is the founder if the Mevlevi Sufi order, a mystical brotherhood of Islam started in the early 1200's. He asks, If you fill ajug from the ocean, how much can it hold? One day's supply. Thus, just as the ocean can only fill the jug to capacity, so mevlana can only fit into words and our perception in proportion to our capacity for union with Allah, with Creator, with Great Spirit, Buddha, God. The mystical tradition experiences direct contact, love, union with Creator, and religion with its rules and regulations does not seem to be as direct or even an experience of Union at all.

The musicians came in first, a drum to call the participant to "wake up" or divine comand "be", then a flute improvisation of the soul dancing and flowing to Creators song. There were five dancers, who came in and bowed to creation. They placed a sheep skin rug on the ground, representing the divine truth in each of us. All of the black cloak, white dress with "shroud", eveything represents a death of ego much as many Buddhist ceremonies. They stand with arms cross, representing the "one" or unity with god. There were for parts to the ceremony: 1) viewing all the worlds, reaching the gradeur and majesty of God; 2) existence is dissolved within the Divine Unity; 3) lovers cleanse themselves and reach spiritual maturity; 4) reach the void or non-existence within Divine Mystery. A lone flute ends the ceremony or spiritual journy, of all who take the path of love, of all who seek the Divien within themselves.

As the dancing and ceremony began, tears flowed down my face, and I felt a Divine recognition. It was beautiful!

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